The First Private Teaching Hospital in South Africa, Johannesburg

Clinical Genetics

Krause, Fourie and Associates are a Clinical Genetics team belonging to the Division of Human Genetics, National Health Laboratory Service and School of Pathology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand ( The team consists of medical geneticists and genetic counsellors who offer consultations to patients and their families regarding genetic conditions. Medical Geneticists are medical doctors who have specialised in the field of medical genetics. Genetic counsellors are allied healthcare professionals trained at the Masters degree level and registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa.

During a typical genetic consultation, a family history assessment is performed, information pertaining to the suspected or confirmed condition (including the inheritance pattern, risks of recurrence, and management) is provided, and possible genetic testing options are discussed. A consultation with a medical geneticist will also usually include a physical examination. Depending on the nature of the referral, either a medical geneticist or genetic counsellor will provide a genetic consultation.