The Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre is the first and only private teaching hospital in South Africa. As part of our Patient Confidentiality, Patient information will only be disclosed to a direct family member or nominated spokesperson.
General Queries | 011 356 6000 |
Hospital Account Queries | 011 356 6310 OR |
One parent or caregiver rooms in with child
Family & friends:
14:00 - 18:00
Nominated Care Partner:
Family & friends:
09:00 - 18:00
14:00 - 18:00
Nominated Care Partner:
Family & friends:
10:30 - 18:00
14:00 - 18:00
No more than 2 visitors at one time at the bedside
Patients admitted for surgery may have their Care Partner with them from
the time of admission to 18:00
Exceptions will be made in individual cases and special requests should be
directed to the Unit Manager
Section A (Paeds Oncology) | 011 356 6115 |
Paeds Oncology Outpatient Clinic | 011 356 6191 |
Section B (Hepato-renal) | 011 356 6530 |
Section C (General) | 011 356 6123 |
Section D (Medical) | 011 356 6029 |
Section E (Vascular) | 011 356 6119 |
Section F (Adult Oncology) | 011 356 6127 |
Section L (Paeds Transplant) | 011 356 6494 |
Medical ICU | 011 356 6135 |
Surgical ICU | 011 356 6001 |
Transplant ICU | 011 356 6062 |
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